The organic acids urine test is a valuable diagnostic tool for investigating underlying causes of a wide range of health issues, as it enables us to assess metabolic dysfunction. To use a car analogy, just as dashboard warning lights warn us about potential mechanical malfunction, the body has certain chemical indicators, known as organic acids, which can alert us to subtle biochemical imbalances that trigger the onset of symptoms of poor health.
The test assesses:
energy production within cells (including whether you are converting fats & carbs to energy in an efficient way)
detoxification demands (liver health)
neurotransmitter activity (brain chemical production)
stress hormones
vitamin deficiencies
intestinal health
oxidative stress and antioxidant need
Relevant for anyone who is chronically ill, tired, overweight, inflamed, stressed, anxious, has skin issues, neurological disorders, a compromised immune system, dysregulated blood sugar or other hormonal symptoms. Or simply anyone wishing to optimise their health – it is ideal as an annual health check.
How to complete the Organic Acids Test
Please read through test kit instructions carefully.
This needs to be completed on a Sunday morning (first urine of the day) and then the samples should be frozen until ready to send by courier on a Monday (or Tuesday on public holiday weekends). Note for female patients, please do not collect the urine sample if you are menstruating.
2 days before testing Avoid: alcohol, caffeine (tea, coffee or any other caffeinated drinks e.g. energy drinks), fruit juices, chocolate, cocoa, cheese, avocado, tomato, banana, kiwi fruit, pineapple, citrus fruit, grapes, plums, pecans, walnuts (and associated nut butters) and vanilla. They don’t specify cranberries on the test kit instructions, but please avoid these too. Avoid over the counter painkillers and supplements. Please continue with all medication unless agreed otherwise.
1 day before testing Continue to avoid food and drinks listed above. To avoid the sample being too dilute, limit your fluid intake to no more than 1 litre across the day and no more than 250ml after 8pm.
If you happen to wake in the night to urinate, collect your mid-stream urine in a clean container (rinsed and air dried) and combine this with the morning sample the next day. You are aiming to capture all the breakdown products which are excreted in your urine over a 6-9 hour period as you sleep.
Day of testing. Please see test kit instructions for how to use the collection tubes. Collect your first urine of the day into the small container with yellow lid (or use any larger clean container if you prefer) and draw up samples into the two 'monovette' collection tubes, which need to be labelled. Freeze both the tubes until ready to be couriered on a Monday.
Please ensure that you enclose the test request form along with your samples, having completed your details and if not already completed, adding in details for Amanda Nutrition.
Please drop the samples at your nearest NZ Couriers depot, which you can find here https://www.nzcextras.co.nz/nearestlocation/. Please note that Post Shops will not accept NZ Couriers packages. Ignore the Pre-8am sticker which is for the courier's attention.