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Delve Deeper
Nutrition Articles

6 min read
Cholesterol: friend or foe?
Cholesterol plays a variety of essential roles in the body, yet receives a very bad press for contributing to heart disease, while...

8 min read
Feed your genes: how our genes respond to the food we eat
What should I eat? Nutrigenomics is an emerging science which investigates how the foods we eat interact with our genes, to affect our...

6 min read
Glutathione: the unsung hero of antioxidants
Glutathione is considered by scientists to be one of the most powerful antioxidants, yet remains relatively unknown, compared to other...

4 min read
Shape-shifting Candida albicans: yeast, fungus, or both?
What is Candida albicans and what causes an overgrowth? Candida albicans is one of a variety of Candida species of yeasts which are found...

9 min read
Hypothyroidism: life with the parking brake on
Hypothyroidism, otherwise known as ‘underactive thyroid’ is one of the most common endocrine diseases, second only to diabetes. Symptoms...

5 min read
The influence of gut bacteria on obesity
Gut bacteria are currently the subject of a huge amount of exciting and ground breaking research. Scientists are now able to analyse...

6 min read
Natural approaches to prevent urinary tract infection
Almost half of all women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime. The most common UTI is cystitis, an...

4 min read
Give a shout-out to sprouts!
In terms of packing a nutritional punch, there are few foods which score as highly as sprouted seeds and pulses, like sprouted broccoli,...

4 min read
Acne: 'diabetes of the skin'
Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory skin disease which is most often associated with the onset of puberty, affecting around 85% of...

3 min read
Insomnia: what to eat for better sleep
Defined as ‘the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality of sleep’, insomnia can have debilitating effects on daily life. ...

2 min read
Versatile quinoa - perfect Peruvian protein
Barbecue season is upon us and when entertaining at home, or if asked to bring a salad, my regular offering is this delicious quinoa...

3 min read
Indigestion: excess or deficiency of stomach acid?
Christmas parties have already started, with over-consumption of rich food and alcohol proving problematic for many. However, even a...

3 min read
Managing migraine
Various theories exist as to the processes or mechanisms that may drive migraines: involving brain chemicals, blood vessels and the...

2 min read
Clean Eating Challenge
I challenged some friends to join me in undertaking ‘Clean Eating July:’ a month of eating solely wholesome foods, focusing on...
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