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DUTCH Plus Hormone Test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones)

An advanced hormone test, using cutting edge technology to provide an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites i.e. showing not only what your hormone levels are, but also how your body is breaking them down and excreting them, which is often of greater significance when investigating anxiety, depression, weight gain, hormonal symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, PMS, PMDD or menopausal hot flushes, low libido and insomnia.

Rather than looking at a single snapshot of hormones measured at one point in the day, the DUTCH Plus test analyses 24 hour urine samples and assesses the cortisol awakening response (CAR), using saliva samples.  The CAR is a ‘mini stress test’ based on the pattern of cortisol production after waking and offers insight into health issues such as chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, depression, seasonal affective disorder, blood sugar dysregulation, weight gain, digestive issues, chronic fatigue and psychological burnout.

The comprehensive test includes:

  • 2 progesterone metabolites

  • androgens (testosterone and DHEAS) and 8 metabolites

  • 3 forms of oestrogen & 10 metabolites

  • total free cortisol, total metabolised cortisol and total cortisone across the day

  • 3 cortisol metabolites

  • melatonin

  • 6 organic acids markers relating to liver detoxification, B vitamin deficiencies and neurotransmitter production (dopamine, adrenalin & noradrenalin)

  • 8-OHdG, a marker for DNA damage

How to complete the DUTCH Plus Hormone Test

Please read through test kit instructions carefully.

For women, the DUTCH hormone test is meant to be completed between days 19-22 of a typical 28 day menstrual cycle, but this can be adjusted for longer or shorter cycles.  Men and post-menopausal women can complete the test on any day of the month.

Please avoid taking all supplements for a minimum of 3 days, but preferably a week before testing.

Avoid eating avocado, banana and fava beans for 48 hours before testing and the results are most accurate if you are not overly hydrated, so it is recommended to limit your liquid intake to around a litre the day before completing the test and make sure that no more than 250ml is drunk after 8pm the evening before testing.  Please see the test kit instructions for periods in between samples when you need to avoid food or fluid intake completely, or even to avoid brushing your teeth.

If you wake in the night to urinate, please tick the relevant box on the test requisition form to say you did so. You do not need to collect this overnight sample.

The urine samples are collected directly onto the filter paper cards and need to air dry for 24 hours.  The saliva samples require you to hold a cotton swab in your mouth until it is saturated with saliva and they then need to be frozen as soon as you complete each one.  The samples are stable, so can be completed and kept frozen, or air drying for as long as you need, until ready to be couriered.  Amanda will give you a step by step set of instructions which she has compiled to try to make the testing schedule clear – so either use this, or the one included with the kit.

There is a pre-paid NZ Couriers bag in the box. Make sure you enclose the completed test requisition form, along with the frozen saliva samples and dried urine samples.

Please drop the samples at your nearest NZ Couriers depot, which you can find here  Please note that Post Shops will not accept NZ Couriers packages. Ignore the ‘Pre 8am’ sticker on the courier bag, which is just for the courier’s attention. There is no need to be concerned about the courier company refrigerating or freezing the samples while in transit.


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021 08333 835


Milford Natural Health Clinic
50 East Coast Road
Milford, Auckland
New Zealand

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